OpenStack Ocata : Configure Swift#2 (Proxy Node)

Configure OpenStack Object Storage (Swift).
This example is based on the emvironment like follows.
 |               |                            |
 |           eth0|               eth0|
 |   +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+
 |   |    [ Control Node ]   |    |    [  Proxy Node  ]   |
 |   |                       |    |                       |
 |   |  MariaDB    RabbitMQ  |    |      Swift Proxy      |
 |   |  Memcached  httpd     |    |                       |
 |   |  Keystone             |    |                       |
 |   +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+
             eth0|               eth0|               eth0|
     +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+
     |   [ Storage Node#1 ]  |    |   [ Storage Node#2 ]  |    |   [ Storage Node#3 ]  |
     |                       |    |                       |    |                       |
     |     Swift-Account     |    |     Swift-Account     |    |     Swift-Account     |
     |    Swift-Container    |    |    Swift-Container    |    |    Swift-Container    |
     |     Swift-Object      |    |     Swift-Object      |    |     Swift-Object      |
     +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+

[1]Install Swift-Proxy.
# install from OcataEPEL

[root@proxy ~]# 
yum --enablerepo=centos-openstack-ocata,epel -y install openstack-swift-proxy python-memcached openssh-clients
[2]Configure Swift-Proxy.
[root@proxy ~]# 
vi /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf
use = egg:swift#memcache
# line 42: specify Memcached server

memcache_servers =
# end line: change like follows (Keystone auth info)

paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
admin_tenant_name = %SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%
admin_user = %SERVICE_USER%
admin_password = %SERVICE_PASSWORD%
auth_host =
auth_port = 35357
auth_protocol = http
signing_dir = /tmp/keystone-signing-swift
auth_uri =
auth_url =
memcached_servers =
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = swift
password = servicepassword
delay_auth_decision = true
[root@proxy ~]# 
vi /etc/swift/swift.conf
# change and add (it is shared among Swift Nodes - any words you like)

swift_hash_path_suffix = 
swift_hash_path_prefix = swift_shared_path
[3]Configure Swift Ring files.
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder create 12 3 1 

[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder create 12 3 1 

[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder create 12 3 1
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder add r0z0- 100 

Device d0r0z0-"" with 100.0 weight got id 0
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder add r0z0- 100 

Device d0r0z0-"" with 100.0 weight got id 0
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder add r0z0- 100 

Device d0r0z0-"" with 100.0 weight got id 0
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder add r1z1- 100 

Device d1r1z1-"" with 100.0 weight got id 1
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder add r1z1- 100 

Device d1r1z1-"" with 100.0 weight got id 1
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder add r1z1- 100 

Device d1r1z1-"" with 100.0 weight got id 1
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder add r2z2- 100 

Device d2r2z2-"" with 100.0 weight got id 2
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder add r2z2- 100 

Device d2r2z2-"" with 100.0 weight got id 2
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder add r2z2- 100 

Device d2r2z2-"" with 100.0 weight got id 2
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder rebalance 

Reassigned 4096 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 0.00.
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder rebalance 

Reassigned 4096 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 0.00.
[root@proxy ~]# 
swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder rebalance 

Reassigned 4096 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 0.00.
[root@proxy ~]# 
chown swift. /etc/swift/*.gz 

[root@proxy ~]# 
systemctl start openstack-swift-proxy 

[root@proxy ~]# 
systemctl enable openstack-swift-proxy 
[4]If Firewalld is running, allow service ports.
[root@proxy ~]# 
firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent 

[root@proxy ~]# 
firewall-cmd --reload 


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